Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lynna 卉卉

Lynna 卉卉 is a senior student of Foreign Language Department at NTU. In August 2014, her photo album was published in a well-known  Japanese monthly megazine Digital Factory. She was the first Taiwanese model to have such privilege. Click the pictures for enlargement or the link here for more pictures. Lynna 卉卉

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Baoan Temple 保安宮

In 1742, settlers from Tung-an transported the statue of Emperor Baosheng (保生大帝) from mainland to the Paronpon (大龍峒) in Ketagalan(凱達格蘭), hoping the god of medicine could keep the diseases at bay. About 60 years later in 1804, the small shrine was expanded into a temple by a group of businessmen. In 1830, the project was completed and the temple was named Baoan Temple. Click the pictures for enlargement or the link here for more pictures.  Baoan Temple 保安宮

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Worship in Temple

I entered this picture that I took in May at Longshan Temple for the August monthly competition of Plano Photo Club. It won the first prize in the intermediate group. I like the lighting of this picture, the light from the opening of the court yard provide a clear front contour to the worshiper while the light from the main gate behind faintly lit up the back hair and gave the subject a clear definition. The aperture of f5 help to isolate the main subject from the background where the buddha, candles, pillars, flowers and people can vaguely recognized. The serious expression of the worshiper against the haphazard temple environment provides some interesting contrast and complete story telling of the pictue. In this picture, almost all the elements fall into the right place without arrangement. I guess if you shot enough pictures you are bound to find one of this in your portfolio.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monga 艋舺

Wanhua District, known in Taiwanese as Monga, is Taipei's oldest district. The district is home to historic buildings such as Longshan Temple, an iconic historic temple, and the Red House Theater, the first and largest teahouse and playhouse in Taiwan.  Monga 艋舺

watch how the ball flies